Category Archives: Entrepreneurship

Building a Consumer Brand

Last week I was interviewed by Josh Turner.  Not the country singer Josh Turner, who’s song “Would You Go With Me” that I love, but Josh Turner of Gateway CFO.  Josh of Gateway is extremely nice and very patient.  After a Skype debacle that left him waiting for 15 minutes, I was finally able to connect with him and start the interview.

In this episode of Gateway to Profits (player below), Josh sits down with Erin Meagher from Kelapo Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. In just two years, Erin has grown Kelapo into a national brand with a strong distribution network, a unique manufacturing process, a tremendous reputation in the marketplace, and a product with tons of health benefits.  Click here to listen to this episode of Gateway to Profits.

Go USF Bulls!

Z, Kelly, and I routing for the Bulls!

My alma mater is NC State so what am I doing routing for the Bulls?!?  I was at USF tonight speaking to the student members of the International Business Board.  That’s the president, Z, vice pres, Kelly and myself.  They had to teach me the USF sign, which is coincidentally very similar to the Wolfpack sign!

I haven’t spoken to a group of students since I left teaching.  It turned out to be more nerve racking than I thought.  But I LOVE sharing about my experiences in business and entrepreneurship.  If I can inspire one person to pursue their dream through my enthusiasm and dedication to business, then I feel successful.  That’s probably my motivation for starting this blog!